In this entry we will discuss another art that some people don't actually classify as art surprisingly! I know most people came to this site for painting, drawing, sketching, and sculptures etc. but i know some appreciate tips on music as well so enjoy!
First we'll start with Jazz instruments. Most would think of saxophones, or trumpets for jazz so we'll start with them! Now, first i want you to take a moment and appreciate the versatility and ability to blend in with all sorts of music that these instruments are so good at. The saxophone though shocking that some people don't know what it is, is still possibly one of the most famous instruments in THE WORLD! Now here's a problem i've run into a lot and i mean a LOT, people are often intimidated by the sheer amount of keys on this instrument, it really isn't As hard as it looks though it is complicated, suchas how some people just can't wrap their fingers around it, and its kind of awkward to hold, But as everything is in my opinion even if you think you cant anyone who truly tries can play the saxophone very well, so if you've ever thought of learning to play it don't be discouraged. Secondly, this may surprise some but the trumpet i would say is actually harder to play than the sax (i'm not trying to dis you ryley!) most people think that just because it has three keys it would be super easy. Well i'm sorry, but it is pretty hard because you have to adjust your embouchure quite a lot while playing, this actually goes for any brass instruments. I also want to remind you, if you want a special article on a specific instrument just let me know in the comments which instrument.
now we'll move to percussion usually seen in jazz music. First we'll start with the regular ol' drum sets. You can't have a jazz band without drum sets, they're very well known for the amazing solos that just make everyone SCREAM with excitement! Now there isn't much i can tell you that you don't already know because of the drums fame.
Moving on literally every jazz song i've heard has piano. I personally love piano because you can add it in any song and it most likely won't clash with the other instruments the piano is a pretty hard instrument because you have to use two hands at different speeds. One hand for the bass line, another for the treble line, So if your a righty you might have trouble with bass, and if your a lefty then you'll most likely have trouble with treble. This magnificent instrument goes through SEVEN octaves! Talk about versatility and range.
In conclusion, music has its ups and downs when it comes to learning an instruments. some people just think music just isn't cut out for them, for some it just comes naturally, and others just simply dont try. I believe anyone can do anything they want artistically i they just get up and try.
I really love jazz to be honest
Could you do something more like acoustic guitar Slyfox?
i honestly have always wanted to know how to play a sax
i said that cause it honestly is, what would you put instead and ill fix it
I wouldn't say "being a sax player myself i can tell you it's really one of the easiest instrument there is" if i was you dude