Before the 20th century comics where only in things like newspapers, and they weren't made for superhero fantasy until 2001. Superhero comics, spiderman, superman, batman, captain marvel, ect. Made a huge hit. People all over the world started reading DC and Marvel. But comics really started in 1842 with U.S. publication by the name of Rodolphe töpffer and his work, The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck. An example of an early precursor to print comics is Trajan’s Column. Rome's Trajan’s Column, dedicated in 110 AD, is an early surviving example of a narrative told through sequential pictures, while Egyptian hieroglyphs, Greek friezes,medieval tapestries such as the Bayeux Tapestry and illustrated manuscripts also combine sequential images and words to tell a story. Versions of the bible relying primarily on images rather than text were widely distributed in Europe in order to bring the teachings of Christianity to the illiterate.
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